Textile Learner (https://textilelearner.net) is the largest and most popular textile blog over the net. It is an ultimate reference for textile students and professionals. It helps to update textile and apparel based knowledge among the textile students, teachers, entrepreneurs, researchers and over all people who want to know textile A-Z.
We are a team of Textile Engineers who work together toward a common goal to give you authentic and practical based information of textile and apparel industry.
Besides, It is like a community blog. Anybody can publish textile related articles, assignment, thesis papers, reports, news and any other reviews in this blog from around the world. You will be surprised that we have 500+ guest authors from different countries. Maximum are students and teachers.
It is a great platform to show your creativity among the textile and apparel related people throughout the world. If you want to become our guest author then send article with your short information (including name, university / company, designation, email etc.). Article will be published with your information.
Send your article at textilelearners@gmail.com